Welcome to the English Department at Moreau Catholic! The department offers a variety of classes at the college preparatory, honors and Advanced Placement levels. Each course trains students in the core skills of critical reading, critical thinking, critical writing, and effective oral expression – the cornerstones of a lifetime of independent learning.
The English Department believes strongly in the importance of helping students develop a lifelong commitment to reading. Through daily SSR practice, activities such as book talks, and an incredibly diverse range of course text selections, students are encouraged to discover and pursue their passions and apply their reading skills across the curriculum.
Expected Department Learning Results
In alignment with the English Language Arts California Common Core State Standards, the English Department places a consistent emphasis on the development of core Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening skills throughout the diversity of courses offered.
Seniors at Moreau Catholic have the opportunity to choose two semester electives in English that reflect their interests. Regularly offered courses include Advanced Composition, Writing for College, World Literature, Ethnic Literature, Graphic Novel, Shakespeare, Myth & Folklore, Women’s Literature, 20th Century Literature, and Great Books. Additionally, each year the department offers a seminar on a new topic. This year’s Senior Seminar is Sports and Literature.
English Courses
MCHS requires 40 units of English.*
All courses meet the UC “b” requirement unless otherwise noted.
*(1 semester = 5 units)