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World Languages

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World Languages - Spanish Livros

Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, 欢迎 to the World Languages Department at Moreau Catholic! The department offers college preparatory classes at all levels, including honors and Advanced Placement levels. We also offer a placement exam for incoming freshman or transfer students to assure an accurate level of studies.

We recognize the importance of other languages along with other cultures, and we integrate the practice and the knowledge of both. Students come to Moreau with a variety of languages, heritages, and cultures that we like to share and embrace in our classrooms. For example, Honors Spanish 3 and AP Spanish language do community service in Spanish speaking communities.

All students are required to take at least two years of the same World Language to graduate, but are strongly encouraged to take three or four years of a language to meet college requirements and to be better prepared to fully utilizing the language. All World Language courses are University of California eligible. The department offers coursework in Spanish, French, and Chinese (Mandarin), including AP levels in all three. AP Chinese and AP Spanish Language have 100% AP test pass rate.

World Language Courses

  • MCHS requires 20 units of one World Language.
  • Students demonstrating aptitude in language are strongly advised to take three or four years of the same language.
  • All World Language courses are UC eligible.

World Language Content Standards

World Languages Faculty