Summer Academic Courses
Current Moreau Catholic high school students (rising Sophomores to rising Seniors) can enroll in 5-unit semester courses (Navigators) to remediate a course or a 10-unit year-long enrichment course (Jumpers) to move forward in their academics. Navigator courses run from June 10-July 11, 2024. Jumper courses run from June 3-July 11, 2024. In order for students to be eligible for Jumper Courses, they must meet department requirements and have spoken to their counselors.
Financial aid is available for those who qualify based on the 2024-2025 enrollment contracts. Once registration closes, the Business Office will apply the financial aid and invoices will be sent through FACTS.
Summer Navigator Course Registration commits you to payment for the courses selected. Payment will be processed through FACTS and must be completed no later than June 24, 2024. Failure to complete payment by June 24th will result in a Drop from the course.
Summer Navigator Course sign-ups are not open at this time.
Summer Jumper Course sign-ups are not open at this time.
Moreau Catholic High School is a recognized 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID: 94-1609000.