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Parent/Guardian Engagement Opportunities

As we continue to uphold the pillars of our school: Building Respect, Educating Hearts & Minds, Being Family, and Bringing Hope, your support remains paramount. We recognize that each family's capacity to contribute varies, which is why we're excited to introduce flexible options for fulfilling your Parent Pledge.  

Each family will need to fulfill the Parent Pledge with 3 "points" of action.  Each action is given a rank and an amount of "points" based on the time given and/or demand needed. At Moreau Catholic, we refer to this program as the Time, Talent, and Treasure program. Time and talent donations are solicited in the areas of Academics, Admissions, Advancement, Arts, Athletics, Campus Life & Culture, Campus Ministry, Marketing & Communications, Site Services/Facilities, and Student Life.

  • GOLD actions = 3 points (Your family member(s) will only have to complete 1 GOLD action to fulfill your Parent Pledge for the school year).
  • SILVER actions = 2 points (Your family member(s) will have to complete 1 SILVER and 1 BRONZE action to fulfill your Parent Pledge for the school year).
  • BRONZE actions = 1 point (Your family member(s) will have to complete 3 BRONZE or 1 BRONZE and 1 SILVER action to fulfill your Parent Pledge for the school year).

The Time, Talent, and Treasure signup list is now closed and the guardian names have been distributed to the relevant directors in charge of those programs. If you have a talent to share with our students that you were not able to indicate in the form, please reach out to Dr. Elizabeth Berkes and Ms. Toni West.

Elizabeth Berkes

Elizabeth Berkes

Director of Advancement
Toni West

Toni West

Assistant Principal of Climate and Culture

Mariner Cleared Requirements & Procedures

Chaperones are needed for off-campus trips and events conducted by our academic and co-curricular programs.

All Parents, Guardians, and other potential chaperones must be “Mariner Cleared":

Boosters Snack Bar Volunteers
Parent Ambassadors at Funding Hopes and Dreams Gala