Bringing Hope and Building Respect Within Our Mariner Family
Dear Mariner Family,
Moreau Catholic High School is proud of our beloved Holy Cross heritage and values. We strive to fulfill our mission and to live out the message of Blessed Basil Moreau in all that we do. We believe that our strength comes from our union as family, and we work daily to build respect, educate the hearts and minds of our students, and bring hope to our Mariner family so our Mariners may bring hope to our world. These values are enduring and do not change with political transition.
We are aware that as we usher in a new administration in our country, there is some anxiety and fear for some members of our community regarding discrimination toward immigrants and threats of deportation for family members. We remind you that discrimination has no place at Moreau Catholic High School, and we do not tolerate bullying of any kind. We expect our community to be upstanders and to demonstrate Mariner mindsets as we support and value each member of our family. We are so proud of the incredible diversity of our community, and we will not accept the harassment of students or families for any reason, including their ethnic background or immigration status.
We want to remind you that with the exception of our International Students, we do not track or report the immigration status of students and families. All student and family data is handled with great confidentiality and discretion. We have always had a very positive and supportive relationship with our Hayward Police Department and local law enforcement, and we are confident that this will continue in the future. Immigration concerns and enforcement issues have generally always been handled away from schools, Churches, and other sensitive venues, and we expect that to continue in the future. As always, the safety, wellness, happiness, and success of each and every Mariner will always be our top priority, and we will continue to partner with and communicate with parents and guardians to do our best for every Mariner.
If you or your family is experiencing stress related to this issue at this time, know that we are here for you and we are your family. Please feel free to reach out to our counselors or administrators for support anytime. We do not ever provide legal advice, but you are assured of our love for your family and our desire to support you. We encourage you to check out Diocese of Oakland Immigration Services Resources if they may be helpful to you and your family. We also have red cards outside our school office with information in multiple languages regarding your constitutional rights - please stop by and take a card and share it with friends or family members if you think it is helpful.
Whether your family is experiencing stress related to this issue or something else, remember that we are here for you. Together, we are Holy Cross: we have always been an international and multicultural apostolic family, and we have always ensured that our institutions are places of faith, hospitality, welcome, and excellence where the dignity of every human is honored and the potential of every student is empowered. We promise that this commitment will continue, and we will face whatever challenges come our way together.
With appreciation for your partnership,
Liz Guneratne, President
Colleen Galloway, Principal
Pope Francis to Trump: Reject 'hate, discrimination or exclusion' | National Catholic Reporter