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Students of the Month | January 2025

Students of the Month | January 2025
  • Current Students
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  • Students of the Month

Students of the Month Criteria

The recognition of students who demonstrate academic, personal, and social responsibility. Students from each grade level will be selected every month. The selected students will get a certificate, their picture taken with the principal, plus a “go to the front of the lunch line” pass, good for one month.

Faculty/Staff Member Student's Name Grade  Pillar/Mindset Demonstrated Details 
Fr. Bruce Gavin Sy Su 10 Building Respect Gavin is such a respectful, bright student in my Honors World History class. He is attentive to detail and extremely responsible and hardworking. It is a joy to have him in class.
Fr. Bruce Amelia Sprinkles-Debacker 10 Educating Hearts and Minds Amelia is all around outstanding student in my Honors World History course. She truly embodies the well-rounded ability to balance academics with her other non-academic activities. She is a bright light in my class.
Fr. Bruce Jaren Villacarte 10 Bringing Hope Jaren is one of my most reliable and faithful students in World History. He never misses as one of my attendance helpers, and is always hardworking, responsible and courteous to a fault. He makes it fun and easy to be a teacher to such a kind, wonderful and dependable student, who fills me and all of his other classmates with energy and hope.
Fr. Bruce Ziyon Williams 10 Bringing Hope Ziyon is an exemplar of positive energy in my Honors World History class. She is bright, articulate, responsible, hard working and multitalented, not just academically, but also in dance and in her many other pursuits and interests. He bright smile and energy in class make it a joy to teach her in this class.
K. Parker Andrew Perry  10 Educating Hearts and Minds Andrew showed a remarkable combination of self-motivation, creativity, and diligent attention to details to each of his pieces in our fall Ceramics class. He approached each project with precision, carefully refinined his techniques, experimented with glazing methods, and ensured every detail met his standard and stayed true to his original concept. His hard work and natural artistic skills made for outstanding results.
K. Parker Jayden Nardo 9 Educating Hearts and Minds Jayden represents the pinnacle of artistic excellence and creative passion in our Visual Arts class. Her work consistently demonstrates an extraordinary blend of natural talent and meticulous craftsmanship. She approaches each project with innovative perspectives and produces work that shows off her creative concepts and strong problem solving skills.
K. Parker Naomi Aldred 9 Educating Hearts and Minds Naomi embodies the distinguished characteristics of a dedicated and exceptional art student, with an extraordinary work ethic and strong commitment to artistic development. In our Visual Arts class she meticulously plans projects with natural organizational skills
and approaches each endeavor with creative and thoughtful intentionality for outstanding results. 
K. Parker Chidi Onwuemeka 10 Educating Hearts and Minds Chidi represents the true reflective artist - a student whose strenghts are marked by self-awareness, motivation, and laser-focused dedication. In our Ceramics class she has shown proactive engagement with creative challenges, genuine passion for skill improvement and disciplined studio practice and time management. Her natural curiosity about artistic techniques and willingness to experiment and take creative risks shows her mature understanding of artistic communication and results in sophisticated projects with beautiful visual storytelling.
K. Parker Abigail Wong 10 Educating Hearts and Minds Abigail was a standout student in our fall Ceramics class, embodying the perfect blend of creativity, focus, and extraordinary work ethic. She approached each class with enthusiasm, carefully listening to instructions and then transformined her ideas into her own personal artistic expression. Abigail showed a natural curiosity about artistic techniques and showed dedication to improve her already strong skill each class.
Henriquez Sadie Cotten 11 Being Family Sadie is a very caring individual who looks to please, help and support her teammates whenever possible. She carrys with her many traditions that go back 20+ years. Last XC season, she was instrumental in bringing the girls team together and creating a hard working attitude of "Going for it". The girls varsity team have not looked this strong for a long time and Sadie is bringing that competitive attitude back. Looking forward to XC 2025 season, and they now know what it takes to be one of the best. A lot of sacrifies, that Imua Spirit. 
Henriquez Emily Barillas 10 Bringing Hope Emily is a very tough and resilient student athlete. This past XC season, she was able to dive deep into herself and get the best out of herself. Working on her mindset has helped her accomplish her goals and sees the benefit of creating a strong mindset on and off the playing field. With this she's been able to give Hope to her younger team mates, which is crucial as one competes in high events. Keep working on that Mental Mindset-- Strong Positive. Imua!
Schott Qiana walker   Building respect Qiana is a rock in biology. She demonstrates poise, curiosity, and hardwork, showing respect for herself, her peers, and the classroom. 
Schott Scarlett simon   Educating Hearts and Minds Scarlett is a classroom leader, always eager to answer class questions, push her knowledge further, and provide assistance to students who are struggling with the content. We are proud to have her in our biology class.
Schott Maya Castaveny   Being Family Though no longer in the French classroom, Maya has been generous with her time and her artistic skills to help beautfiy A10 and we are extremely grateful for her contributions to our class community.
Schott Parker Barr   Educating Hearts and Minds Parker and French have not always been on the best of terms, but despite the difficulty of the French classroom, Parker has demonstrated a keen understanding of French grammar, often times noticing small nuances that hellp him understand larger concepts (subjects and indirect objects, for instance). Parker's enthusiasm over his verb charts (which he ceaselessly shares with his classmates) is another example of his dedication toward education in all of its forms.
Trang Jonathan Tarabay 12 Being Family As a member of Moreau, Jonathan helps out his classmates whenever possible. He shares his time with Classmates to make sure they understand the concepts and problems
Trang Vishnu Karagala 12 Being Family As a member of Moreau, Vishnu helps out his classmates whenever possible. He shares this time with Classmates to make sure they understand the concepts and problems
Trang Grace Libiran 12 Being Family As a member of Moreau, Grace helps out her classmates whenever possible. She shares her time with Classmates to make sure they understand the concepts and problems
Trang Katiana Galardo 12 Being Family As a member of Moreau, Katiana helps out her classmates whenever possible. She shares her time with Classmates to make sure they understand the concepts and problems
Conlon Vishnu Kanagala 12 ALL the Pillars Vishnu, THANK YOU! You were my right-hand this semester. Not only did you save the labs, you had such an amazing attitude and work ethic. You were a dream IWE. My deepest gratitudes!
Conlon Kai Khoo 10 Building Respect Kai, I admire how you were able to come back and effectively communicate about our passionate Jeopardy game. That takes tremendous character, and I applaud you! Well done, scholar!!